Hormone Therapy
Male and female sex hormones are very important for our health and longevity. Other than for the obvious reasons, estrogen, testosterone and progesterone are required for many other health benefits. It's no surprise that when our sex hormone levels drop, we start feeling worse, age faster, and have more medical problems later in life. Both men and women have rapid declines in sex hormones during their 40 to 50’s so a key component in anti-aging therapy is optimization of hormone levels.
Why are hormone pellets the best form of treatment?
Many people are familiar with administering hormone treatment either by shots or a cream. The problem with these methods is you get unreliable dosing, sometimes having periods of highs and lows while waiting for your next dose. Also, if you are afraid of needles this can be very difficult to do. Hormone pellets also utilize bioidentical hormones which are much safer than synthetic hormones. This is why I am a strong advocate of hormone pellet treatment.
The procedure involves implanting small tablets of the hormone medication into the fatty layer of your skin where it becomes slowly absorbed over a period of months. The procedure is very easy and quick and can be done in the office under local anesthesia and is painless with no side effects. It is also very convenient because you only need to do this 3-4 times a year.
What are the advantages of hormone pellets?
1. You won't forget a dose.
2. CONVENIENCE: You only need to have the treatment three or four times a year.
3. There are no ups and downs of hormone levels-you get a steady dose of medication.
4. The hormone is bioidentical to what your body is supposed to make.
5. You don't have to worry about flying and traveling with needles and syringes ever again.